On top of being a LOCAL Real Estate Agent for the BOUNDARY COUNTRY & SOUTH OKANAGAN since 2004, I am also a local small scale rancher.
Just 25 minutes east of Osoyoos before the actual summit of Anarchist Mountain is a local geographical region called the 'Sidley Mountain' area. It is here where I call home and I have an 80 acre ranch.
On the farm I raise a small amount of Angus cattle, Berkshire heritage mix pigs, and have eggs from my farm-run layer chickens and I breed Gaited Appaloosa horses.
I started the ranch with my mom over 15 years ago and at the time she was also my partner in Real Estate. A few years ago my mom pass away. But I continue on with my legacy property. I love being a Farm-Girl Real Estate Agent.
While I have lived in numerous cities at different times in my life my true passion is farm life and helping people "Find Their Freedom" with the real estate of their choice. I know land and love land.
And whether you are looking for recreational land, cottage getaways, rural homesteads, vacant acreages, ranches, farms, orchards, vineyards, waterfront properties or even just a nice house or condo in one of our smaller towns I will help you buy with confidence.

So CALL ME FIRST, you won't be disappointed. I will work smartly for you. 250.689.6800 Jennifer
Thanks for stopping by and checking my place out.