Leading the Way in Local Real Estate
Real Estate is about `your journey. As you set out to buy or sell your home you are bound to have many questions about what lies before you. Will you find a home that suits your tastes in a location that meets your lifestyle needs? If so, does it fall in line with your financial budget? Will you get the Market Value for your home if you're selling? Will it sell in a timely manner?
With myself as your guide, you are choosing a knowledgeable, experienced, professional who will see you safely through your real estate transaction.
I will oversee each step, keep you a
pprised of important details, as well as alert you to any action that must be taken to ensure your success. You can count on them for staying in touch with you on a constant basis while they handle the details.
I, begin by listening to you and learning your expectations. I am constantly educating myself on the local market trends and new real estate ideas, so I can promptly provide accurate answers to your questions. I am committed to providing you with the finest real estate service available. From the very beginning, you can count on my professional guidance to make your journey as smooth as it can be. I back our words with action ... you can depend on me.
Born on a 100 acre farm in southern Ontario, I have always been a country girl at heart.
In my teen years, my family moved to central northern Ontario where I lived and worked on a Marina on Baptiste Lake. My past times through high school involved horse back riding, fishing, boating, ATVing, hunting treks, and wilderness hiking. Later on I worked for 3 years with Algonquin Search & Rescue at the Special Service Force's base CFB Petawawa, Ontario. I then went to post-secondary for Recreational Leadership & Fitness.
My professional career moved me to Toronto where I worked in Recreation for 4 years before moving to Vancouver, British Columbia where I worked in fast paced professional high tech corporations. There I learned promotional techniques, administration, finance and I put my energy and drive into everything I did.
After 7 years on the coast I moved back home to be with my senior mom and got into the family business of Real Estate, bring a great combination of professional and technological experience along with my love for rural property to the table.
I am most at home walking or riding through wilderness forests and rolling hayfields, I have a photographic memory for land which makes her a most valuable resource when viewing country properties.
My high tech knowledge allows me to market a property to new and ex
citing levels and I am always trying to be more creative in my marketing ideas to stay ahead of the crowd.
This website is an exampe of that. My real estate clients get ortho maps, multiple photos, slide shows, analytic reports and these things and more give my listings more punch for prospective buyers then others listings in the area.
In my free time, I teach Natural Horsemanship and am founder of the Boundary Country Trail Riders and I am also a Natural Care Barefoot Trimmer. When I am not out riding my horse I am working on my small scale ranch.
I was an original member of the Anarchist Mountain Fire Department and I believe in public service in rural areas. I have also or have been a member of the Bridesville Community Club, Anarchist Mountain Society, Kettle Valley Lions Club, and Bridesville Womens Institute and I support the local 4H group in Rock Creek, the Kettle Valley Wildlife Association (aka the Rock Creek Rod & Gun Club) and I belong to local chapter of the BC Cattleman's Assoc.

In Memory: Diane BIERNASKIE April 17, 1943 - Sept 19, 2014
It is with a sad heart to post the passing of my mom and real estate partner Diane Biernaskie. I learned the business from my mom and so proud to have had her in my life for as long as I did. RIP mom and I love you.
With over twenty eight years in the Real Estate Business, Diane discovered that caring for her clients was the most important aspect of her job.
When you make the important decision to buy or sell a home, Diane was committed to going the extra mile to ensure that all of your needs are successfully met in a professional and honest matter. Thats the why Jennifer grew up and learned Real Estate.
And because the Real Estate Industry is a dynamic and continually changing profession, you need the guidance of a proven Salesperson to represent your individual needs.
Diane’s special interests were her animals. Diane had run a local, private dog rescue sanctuary for many years and has returned several lost dogs to their grateful owners. As well as placed many forgotten and unwanted pets into new and loving homes.
Diane was an outdoors person, she especially loved horseback riding, and scuba diving, preferably where it is warm.
Diane enjoyed reading, watching a bit of TV here and there, and completing daily crossword puzzles. For many years Diane was a Director on the South Okanagan Real Estate Board.
"So buy a ranch somewhere in the West. All your life every man has wanted to be a cowboy. Why play Wall Street and die young, when you can play a cowboy and never die?" - Will Rogers, July 10th 1931
For 2022 and 2023, I have been actively involved in helping to restart our local horse club. This year for 2023 we are having the area's first ever Obstacle Challenge Buckle Series over the summer. Our buckles are custom all the way from Texas through Molly's Buckles. If you are around the area, on June 11, July 9 or Aug 20 come and watch the fun at the Rock Creek Fairgrounds.
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You can visit Molly's Custom Silver Buckles here: https://www.mollyscustomsilver.com/custom-belt-buckles